Thursday, April 30, 2009


I hate this pic of myself, because a. i look fat here, and in fact i'm pregnant, and 2. my boobs are hanging out. this is the only pic i have on the computer, so what can you do. I could use a little wii pic, or some type of cartoon, think that would be worse

Getting ready for my daughter's 13th bday, so happy that she decided to have a party, bad news is that is 8 days away and counting. pools all set, nice and blue and heated. Looks like a hotel pool, and it's all mine. It's awesome, just got out of my jacuzzi, I think everyone should own their own pool and jacuzz.

Anth and i finished weeding 1/2 the plants around the pool, tommorrow the other 1/2 and the weeding around the koi pond. I love my life, I love my hubby, he does such a good job of providing a great life for us. He's the VPeeeee!

trying to figure out what to get Bre for her 13th bday, we already got her Offspring tix, but I always give the kids something great on their special days, so I'm still brainstorming on that one.

gonna play some poker later in my quest to get out of the fishbowl

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tweek my Leaks

took another first in the 18 man sng, yeah for me, again selectively aggressive, hung back picked my spots. Feeling more and more like I'm allergic to sleep. Just can't get myself to go to bed, theres' so many things I feel I will be missing out on, then when I eventually do go to sleep, I"m dead to the world. This is why I feel it is so important for me to get good at sng's, well poker in general. I'm awake all night, the whole house is asleep, even the dogs, can't really do much that makes too much noise, so I fire up the computer. I really want to making money during this time. The hardest part about having a tiny bankroll is grinding it out at the low limits.
I swear to Christ, they call with anything. Nobody's paying attention to how you''re playing.
For instance, bl 50-100, 1700 stack, I'm in the seat and rs up my aa, 2.5 standard. Idiot buttn calls with j/2u what? and goes a/i on his 2. great i call looking great til the j comes on the river and i'm out.
I just think if you can tear it up at the low levels you can play friggin Bellagio, Bobby's Room, Rio here I come. Just crazy crazy.
I've been twittering a lot lately, lots of friends finding me on twitter, great to talk to peops I haven't seen in a while.
Really pissed that I have to wait until 2010 for the iphone to come to TMobile. Sure you can buy one, but you have to do something to it that voids that warranty and if it's anything like the ipod you really need that warranty.
Jimmy, the best computer programmer, says no to that idea, so looks like I'm waiting, hope I don't get hit by a bus before 2010.
this is why i work 7p-7a, because without work and poker I'm sitting talking to myself all night whilst typing.
Sad because my daughter's 13th Bday is coming up and we're not having the usual huge 3k party we normally throw. She wants me to "tone it down a notch."
Excited because I've satee'd into a few big events, which is cool, still working on my goal of satelliting into the wsop this year. I know if I could get there, tweek my leaks, I will make it deep.
Bummed because no great movies out today on DVD. Weird how the old Star Trek has been cgi'd and revamped. Wonder what the trekkeeks will have to say about this.
Pools heated up and running about 85 right now. and we're up and swimming, summer's already started in the Brashears House.
Gonna find something else to do now sick of typing,
Who else besides me is friggole sick of Joan Rivers and her evil spawnette?
And who knew Doyle Bronson was such a huge twitterereerer?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Willing to answer any medical questions, as that is my area of expertise. I've been the best ER nurse for the last 17 years, stay up on all new advances in medicine, and provide constant advice, tips, and answers from everything to "What is this growing on my...." to "What is this medicine used for...." to family and friends, and am willing to do so for anyone that needs nursing advice, I would just like to have someone that isn't married to me to bounce ideas off of or take a look at my play and give their expert HONEST opinion. Specifically my endgame to help amp up my sng/final table play.
I'm on twitter, "angiepatsfan" or just email me and we can talk .

It's worth a shot, I want to get better at poker, and if you need to get better, we'll chat.

1rst 18 player sng

haven't really posted for awhile. Busy with family stuff. My daughter had emergency surgery but is doing great now, back to school, back to her normal straight A self. Anthony's band is really taking off, just laid tracks down, and they Flooding the Atlantic, have a huge following on MySpace. Really proud of his commitment to his music, and is grinding it out in college. A girl stopped by the house yesterday looking for him, she looked pretty torn up. He spoke briefly with her, then came in and I asked what was wrong with her, I wasn't surprised to learn she had just been released from jail, meth charges. She was a walking poster for rehab seriously. I found out he hadn't talked with since Junior Year, "she just started hanging out with the wrong crowd.' I said in passing, "promise you'll never even try Heroin or Meth, Anth." "No I'll stick with pot."
Johnny potsmoker......
I started really keeping track of my poker, mainly focusing on sng's to build some kind of bankroll, just really sick of depositing, playing a month or two and having to reload. i know it's all about broll mgmt, and esp for me its' really about consistency. I never have consistent results, I take a first, and then cancel it out with placing out of the money. Back to the vids, watching everything on sngs, and I've been really inspired by Nick Rainey, who has despite what everyone says, has managed to consistently grind out a profit with sng play and has been on top of the Leaderbds forever. I kept seeing his name everywhere, and started reading his blogs, on the forums as well as his personal. He lit my fire again, just seeing his results laid out has given me something to aspire to. Another idea that I hadn't really explored was the 18 man sng's.
I gave it a shot tonight and played one at the 3. lvl. Hey that's the ABC's of me baby, that's where I'm confined to until I get some scratch built up, and I took FIRST. Really proud of that, I'm going to add those to the mix, and thanks to Nick and his postings I really did treat the game as having 2 bubbles, right before we combined to FT I tore it up, and again at the FT, amped up my aggression. Key hand, i limped late on ss in the sb, he of course pushed, i instacalled with my 77s, vs his ARag, and built a hefty stack that built my confidence right up and took my through.
I always do everything 110%, as an RN I'm always striving to be the best. Whatever ER I work in, and it's always been that way, I'm always running the place, setting standards for Trauma patients, family members, and staff.
With my family, I always give them my all, Im always here, just loving my best friend and husband the best way I know how, and he gives it right back to me.
Jimmy is the funniest guy I know, the best Boston guy around. Move over Dane, Matt, Ben, even Tom Brady no one holds a candle to Jim.
And I just want to get to that level with my poker. I love playing, I want to get better, I'm sick of being the fish. I look at my results on Sharkscope and want to throw up. I'm better than that. So I'm totally committing to fixing my numbers one game at a time.
thats pretty much it, the dogs are great, Sandy, our 1 year old Golden Retriever is a handful, but we love her and continue walking out the puppiness of her.